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Practice Schedule

November 19th, 2023: All Practices will be held after school from 4-6pm, at 150 Michigan Ave. 

The Q Line Departs from LCA/Sproat Street Station at 3:37pm Monday-Friday; it is ridden 3 stops to Campus Martius and exited with a short walk to our Training Facility, located at 150 Michigan Ave inside Crossfit in the D.  

Our facility is equipped with female and male locker rooms, inclusive of showers. Student-athletes are encouraged to bring the proper accommodations (towel, soap, swimsuit as needed) to ensure their utmost health and well-being.

Wrestling shoes are required for practice and can be purchased at Dave’s Gold Medal in Hazel Park or through Gear 2 Compete via Amazon. If you’re unable to afford wrestling shoes, or there will be a delay until you can purchase them then please execute our contact form and our coaching staff, partners, and supporters will make sure all needs are being met. 

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Practice Schedule

Practice Schedule

November 19th, 2023: All Practices will be held after school from 4-6pm, at 150 Michigan Ave. 

The Q Line Departs from LCA/Sproat Street Station at 3:37pm Monday-Friday; it is ridden 3 stops to Campus Martius and exited with a short walk to our Training Facility, located at 150 Michigan Ave inside Crossfit in the D.  

Our facility is equipped with female and male locker rooms, inclusive of showers. Student-athletes are encouraged to bring the proper accommodations (towel, soap, swimsuit as needed) to ensure their utmost health and well-being.

Wrestling shoes are required for practice and can be purchased at Dave’s Gold Medal in Hazel Park or through Gear 2 Compete via Amazon. If you’re unable to afford wrestling shoes, or there will be a delay until you can purchase them then please execute our contact form and our coaching staff, partners, and supporters will make sure all needs are being met. 

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Practice Schedule

November 19th, 2023: All Practices will be held after school from 4-6pm, at 150 Michigan Ave. 

The Q Line Departs from LCA/Sproat Street Station at 3:37pm Monday-Friday; it is ridden 3 stops to Campus Martius and exited with a short walk to our Training Facility, located at 150 Michigan Ave inside Crossfit in the D.  

Our facility is equipped with female and male locker rooms, inclusive of showers. Student-athletes are encouraged to bring the proper accommodations (towel, soap, swimsuit as needed) to ensure their utmost health and well-being.

Wrestling shoes are required for practice and can be purchased at Dave’s Gold Medal in Hazel Park or through Gear 2 Compete via Amazon. If you’re unable to afford wrestling shoes, or there will be a delay until you can purchase them then please execute our contact form and our coaching staff, partners, and supporters will make sure all needs are being met.